In terms of paid employment our national office in Canberra employs both full-time and part-time staff. Our hard-copy, online and social media publishing programs also utilise both part-time and contracted editorial support.
Positions available
Executive Director
- The ADA Board of Directors are seeking indications of interest for the challenging and high-profile position of federal executive director of the Association.
- Although generally advantageous, the position does not necessarily require prior service wth the defence force or an intelligence or security agency.
- Specific criteria for the position and remuneration details can be obtained from our national office.
Although currently a full-time position, the Board is open to applications proposing part-time options on a temporary or permanent basis.
However, the position will continue to involve being on-call generally for public and media comment as issues arise.
Due to the extensive parliamentary and other liaison involved the executive director generally needs to work from our national office in Canberra.
The Board is open to applications proposing other locations where they include a plan to preserve such a degree of liaison.
The starting date is negotiable but our target period is late 2019 or early 2020.
The contract period is also negotiable but we seek an initial commitment of 2-4 years.
- Those genuinely interested should consult the incumbent or our national president.
- We seek the services of a cartoonist to illustrate and broaden how our website and publications tackle their informed coverage of strategic security, defence and wider national security issues.
- The position offers considerable scope for imagination and artistic growth as a contributor to our editorial team.
- Payment is on either a per-cartoon or series basis.
Knowledge of Australian and international current affairs is essential and advantageous respectively.
Some knowledge of Australian strategic security, defence and wider national security issues is an advantage.
Capacity to lampoon both sides of politics and all politicians is essential.
- The criteria and responsibilities for the position can be obtained from our national office in Canberra.
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