For 25 years from 1983 to 2008 "Defender" was widely acknowledged as the primary journal of record for informed, topical and apolitical public debate on Australian strategic security, defence and wider national security issues.
Publication of the the journal is currently suspended as we transition our publishing program from hard-copy to on-line versions and social media.
- Each 48-page (or more) issue of the printed journal included topical articles, informed commentary, authorative book reviews and review essays, and spirited exchanges in letters to the editor, from a wide range of Australian and foreign contributors.
- The journal also included Major Furphy, a column featuring tongue-in-cheek observations on life in the Department of Defence at Russell Hill. This column will continue separately on line.
- The journal's editor was Dr Max Tapping. The editorial board comprised Colonel Patrick Gallagher (Retd), the late Professor Jeffery Grey, Neil James, Dr Paul Monk and Dr Hugh Smith.
- Articles underwent (anonymously) an academic-style peer-review process to assess their currency, relevance, intellectual integrity and general standard for publication.
- Electronic copies of articles and reviews should be sent to defender, together with the author's email and daytime and after-hours telephone contacts.
- Material posted to the journal should be addressed to: Defender, PO Box 320, Erindale Centre, ACT, 2903, Australia.
- The ADA's terms and conditions for the supply of content can be found here.