The electronic application form to join the ADA may be found here.
How do I join the Australia Defence Association?
- ADA public-interest watchdog role
- Who are we?
- What do we do?
- What do we believe?
- Why is the ADA needed as a public-interest watchdog?
- How does the ADA contribute to informed public debate?
- What makes the ADA different to other organisations involved with national security issues?
- What are perennial problems with planning Australia's defence and formulating national security policy?
- ADA membership
- ADA structure, processes and governance
- How is the ADA structured as a public-interest watchdog?
- Who are the ADA board of directors?
- How is ADA policy derived and implemented?
- How is the ADA financed?
- Why does the ADA place so much emphasis on being independent?
- How does the ADA preserve its independence and objectivity?
- Can I belong to a political party and still be an ADA member?
- What makes the ADA different?
- What are ADA policies on privacy, security, copyright and content?
- ADA history
- What the ADA is not
- Does the ADA represent the defence force?
- Is the ADA just an organisation of former defence force, police or intelligence and security agency personnel?
- Does the ADA represent the interests of war veterans, ADF retirees or their dependants?
- Is the ADA an ex-Service organisation (ESO)?
- Do I have to have served in our defence force to join the ADA?
- What makes the ADA different?
- ADA stances
- How do I find out something from the ADA?
- How do I provide feedback to the ADA?